Tuesday, November 16, 2010

The Little Red Schoolhouse

Today we had a great time experiencing a class as students in northwest Ohio may have. It was certainly cold enough to get a sense of what it may of been like to have been here in the winter of 1875 when the school was founded. We had a penmanship lesson, reading and music lesson. What did you thi
nk of the schoolhouse? Do you think it is a valuable piece of memorabilia?? How did it feel to sit at the small desks? Do you think the classes would have been effective having all grades in one building??? Please remember to respond and to write your responses to all activities...These are a type of prewriting for your weekly one page reflections, which are to be placed in your electronic writing portfolios.


  1. yesterday we went to the litter red schoolhouse,and we are togter to study penmanshi plesson,reading,music lesson.For my part,it is very interneting.When I came to the schoolhouse,I saw have many differents desks.I know this reason,because before different grades students study in the some classroom.

  2. Feini! I'm so glad you learned something new!!! You guys sure sang wonderfully! Good Penmanship too Feini! I'll never have to send you to the dunce chair unless you use your cell phone! hahaha

  3. It was the best class I had taken. I like this feeling and it made me remember a lot of things about my childhood.

  4. It wasso great. Especially we had a music class..

  5. Music class is very goooooooooood. Haha
    And that pictur was taken by me!!! hahahaha
