Friday, November 19, 2010

Fort Meigs

Today we had a marvelous day with the guide Dan who explained the War of 1812. We explored what it was to be like as a soldier here in the wilderness of NW Ohio. Fort Meigs was our stop of the day. Dan was our tour guide who

Did a superb job explaining the War museum to us and helping educate students about war in Northwest Ohio. Today we saw a real treasure of history and were able to touch and experience some history. Although it was cold we were able to explore the fort, see how the fort was strategically placed and experience the cold as many of the soldiers would have. What was life like in the fort? Would you have wanted to be a soldier in the fort?

Another thought, considering that Perrysburg was a thriving city at the time the Black Swamp was being settled, why would people want to settle the swamp? What was the driving force that compelled them to sacrifice so much to become farmers and businessmen in the very dangerous Black Swamp? Happy reflecting!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

The Little Red Schoolhouse

Today we had a great time experiencing a class as students in northwest Ohio may have. It was certainly cold enough to get a sense of what it may of been like to have been here in the winter of 1875 when the school was founded. We had a penmanship lesson, reading and music lesson. What did you thi
nk of the schoolhouse? Do you think it is a valuable piece of memorabilia?? How did it feel to sit at the small desks? Do you think the classes would have been effective having all grades in one building??? Please remember to respond and to write your responses to all activities...These are a type of prewriting for your weekly one page reflections, which are to be placed in your electronic writing portfolios.

Monday, November 15, 2010

The Wood County Museum

What a cool experience in history we had today at the Wood County Historical Museum. Randy, the courator of the museum, gave us a wonderful tour of the buildings. We experienced what it was to be in a fine diningroom, live as a Native American, and as a lunatic in the Lunatic Asylum. We explored color through the paint used on the walls, examined women's undergarments, and got a sense of how people must have lived just 150 years ago. What do you think would have been your job if you had worked in the poorhouse??? On what floor would you have lived? How did you feel when you walked in to the madhouse? Do you think it sounds like Nelly Bly's madhouse???? Please explain your experience.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Today was a fantastic day to explore Wintergarden Park and to consider what Bowling Green would have looked like 150 years ago. We found huge trees with butresses and were able to fit four people around one tree. At the same time, we were able to get a small taste of what the swamp was like and think about how difficult it was to navigate even in the fall when the swamp was more traveller-friendly. (e.i. no mosquitos or horse flies to bite you or your horse).

Another askpect we considered was the effect of the glacier scaping across Northwest Ohio leaving behind sandy, but fertile ground. What was your impression of the experience? Would you have wanted to live in the Great Black Swamp?

Monday, November 8, 2010


Welcome to our Class and to a new adventure in exploring history!
This class is always an adventure and is exciting because it not only looks at the history of Northwest Ohio, but also explores the larger scope of US History through the microcosm of Northwest Ohio; particularly Bowling Green and the Great Black Swamp.

During this class we will consider the effects of the Great Black Swamp, the War of 1812 and war in Ohio and the US in general, the discovery of oil and natural gas, and the development of glass. These four areas are not all of the wonderful aspects of history that can be explored through this small area of Ohio, but for our short tour of NWO, it is all we will consider. If you personally have an affection or a desire to consider some other aspect of US History, please share that with me.

We will blog, read an historical novel, discuss history and explore history through trips and present our information at the end of the session to one another. Best wishes and welcome to Exploring Northwest Ohio History!